A Clubhouse must also be sustainable in order to meet the needs of it’s members. It is critical for the Clubhouse to have it’s own separate space in an area that is accessible for people with physical and cognitive disabilities, accessibility to transportation, employment opportunities, retail stores like a grocery store and other community venues that are important in daily life.
It is important to determine whether the Clubhouse will be an independent organization or part of another agency. If you will be an independent agency, it is important to begin the steps required to establish a formal organization and board. The business plan needs to consider how the program will be seeded financially (money for the start up) and how it will sustain itself over time. It will be important to raise $100,000-300,000 for start-up funding for the first 2 years and to have also developed a funding method to keep the Clubhouse going after that. Some of the funding stream work can occur after the program starts, but you have to have a good idea and a good plan for how these funds will be secured before you begin. Otherwise you may face closure after start-up funds have been used up.
A diverse funding stream to keep the Clubhouse is ideal and will vary with each area of the country. For example, some areas have a strong system to fund long term support services through Medicaid Waivers, Vocational Rehabilitation, Injured Worker Rehabilitation, or even private donations. Most have a mixture of several funding streams.